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Welcome to the Reilly (Sly, Butler, Black ... ) family page. This is where you will find some of the photographs and films taken by Jim and Elizabeth Reilly and other family members and friends.


Jim did however have quite a large collection, which will take a while to sort and scan, but eventually we hope to make it available to the extended family, as it seems a shame to have them just sitting in a draw somewhere.


It is early days for these pages and you will notice that there is a lot of naming still to do. If you can help with any of the names, places or dates, please drop me an email. 


We are also still working on a number documentaries using the more historic material captured by Jim and Elizabeth and these will eventually be available on this site.


The current layout is most likely at times a bit random, but with your help we will slowly sort all the photographs into dates and places. We would also like to eventually add the family tree (or forest in this case), so if you have any information that could help we would love to hear from you. The plan would be to build one that would whenever possible include a photo of each person. Also, if you have any photographs, films or documents that you would like to add to the site, we would love to display them.



If you are a family member and would like the password, please drop me an email. If you already have it, please click on the button below. Over the coming weeks I will try upload more pictures, films and documents. 


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